Artikelnummer: P7-177444

Lama cirkus dug 1,8 x 1,3 m

27 kr

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  • 8712026544384
  • Inkluderet: dug mere


    • dug
    Temaer & Events: Dyr, Lama
    Farve: Multifarvede
    Dimensioner: 1,8 x 1,3m
    Materiale: 100% polyethylene, Plastic film, 100% Polyethylen
    Antal: 1

    Størrelsesskema for herrer

    US Størrelse EU Størrelse Højde Brystomfang Taljeomfang
    S 46/48 174cm 92-96cm 82-86cm
    M 50/52 178cm 96-100cm 86-90cm
    L 52/54 184cm 100-104cm 90-94cm
    XL 54/56 188cm 104-110cm 94-104cm
    XXL 58/60 192cm 110-118cm 104-112cm
    Service & Garantier
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    • Hurtig levering
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    • Nem returnering
    • 100% Penge tilbage garanti via PayPal
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